03 August 2008

The Wit and Witticism of Ryan Grunwald

It's official. The child knows how to manipulate situations to his advantage. Yesterday, Heidi and Ryan were out in the van while Mike was inside Home Depot. Ryan and Heidi had a conversation that went something like this:

R: "Mommy, my tummy hurts. I have to throw up in the toilet."
H: "Do you have to throw up now?"
R: "Yes."

-- Heidi put Ryan outside the car and told him he'd have to puke there. He stood there for a minute and told her he didn't have to throw up anymore. Heidi put him back in the car and put his seat belt on. --

R: "Mommy, I want to put my coins in my pocket."
H: "Ryan, you're in your seat and I'm not unbuckling you just so you can put your coins in your pocket."

-- A 30 second pause ensued --

R: "Mommy, my tummy hurts. I need to throw up."
H: "OK, baby, I'll get you out."

-- Heidi takes him out of the van and puts him on the ground --

R: "My tummy feels better. I put my coins in my pocket." (Said with an impish grin on his face)


Anonymous said...

Does he get this honestly, or did he pick it up from some ill-meaning playdate friends? That really is something to be proud of...the thinking and reasoning skill part :)

Mike, Heidi, Ryan, Carter, and Delaney said...

I think he got it honestly and it is good to see him thinking of ways to get what he wants - even if it is at our expense!! :) We've been seeing a little more of his devious side the past few days...we'll have to be on our toes now!!

Anonymous said...

just like "daddy-- phew, phew the people so you can come home!!"