30 July 2008

Two Little Feet

Heidi told Ryan that she was going to the doctor yesterday to have a check-up for the baby. Ryan got really excited and started saying, "The doctor is going to help get Carter out!!". Heidi had to explain to him that we were only having pictures taken and he seemed to accept that...although he is SO excited about being a big brother and meeting his baby brother. We can only hope (and pray) that his excitement continues after we bring Carter into the house and Ryan's 4 1/2 year reign as sole child comes to an end...

The ultrasound went great - Carter's size and organs are right on track. The tech was able to verify (easily) that he is, in fact, still a boy. Good thing since we've started to buy clothes for the little man.

Below is a picture of his feet. During the ultrasound we found out that Carter is head down and likes to fully stretch out...which explains why Heidi sometimes feels like a foot is sticking into her rib cage...

This one you have to use your imagination just a little bit. Carter is facing directly into the camera - and almost looks like he has a small grin on his face. The small blob under his chin is his hand. His belly is on the left side of the image.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I didn't have to use my imagination at all. I could totally see his face :)

Mike, Heidi, Ryan, Carter, and Delaney said...

We were reading in the pregnancy book this week about how Carter's face should look like a 'normal' infant's face...and it really does - the ultrasound pictures don't do justice to all the images we saw on the screen. For a future Dad, just like with Ryan, it gives us something concrete to latch onto - since we don't get to carry the kids...or push 'em out (reason #69,768 on why it's good to be a guy!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for the two of you. Two boys are so much fun. Duncan and Nate are 4 1/2 years apart. Duncan was jealous at first, but loved becoming a "BIG BROTHER." Now, three years later, they have a love-hate relationship. It is so much fun to watch them grow and become little people.
Angela Hernandez