31 August 2008

Say a little prayer tonight

Hey everyone - I finally got back from DC and was going to post pictures of Ryan and my trip, but I decided instead to ask everyone to say a prayer tonight for all of our family and friends that live along the Gulf Coast. Most of Heidi's family lives in Central Louisiana - and is right under where they project Hurricane Gustav to pass on Monday/Tuesday...and still be a strong Category I storm. Our thoughts and prayers will be with them. If need be, we're going to head out - after I get back from my second trip to DC on Thurs - and help out anyway we can with Heidi's family.


Anonymous said...

hi mike,
you are so right about that. i really hope that everyone is well.
best wishes from austria,

Anonymous said...

How did everything go? Is everyone ok?

Mike, Heidi, Ryan, Carter, and Delaney said...

Katharina & Vicki - thanks so much for your well wishes. Despite all the dire predictions, Heidi's family made it through with a few tree limbs down and the power going out.