04 September 2008

Heidi's family is doing great!

Thanks to everyone that called and wrote to check up on Heidi's family - we really appreciate the support. They got drenched by over a foot of rain, but the only apparent damage the next day were tree limbs down in their yards. The lasting impact is that they've been without power since the storm blew through. The power company told them it could be as long as two weeks...but the Governer disagreed with that assessment. Hey - good news! As I'm typing, we just found out they got their power back on!! Living in the South w/out air conditioning is something less than comfortable - we're glad this storm is behind them.


Anonymous said...

That's so good to hear! I'm glad they didn't have any major damage. Having to sweat through that heat is bad enough!

Mike, Heidi, Ryan, Carter, and Delaney said...

Vicki - Louisiana heat is no joke (Montgomery is a close second!). I hope your weekend at the beach went well - it sounds like you have a lot of good memories from your childhood there!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Praise God. Glad to hear the A/C is back on for them.

Hope your DC trips went well.