07 September 2008

Hanging out in the Texas heat

Wow - we thought Alabama was hot...hello Texas! It's been a while since we posted pictures, so we thought we'd give you a taste of what we've been up to during the long, hot summer.

Ryan, as always, wants to play outside - because of the weather, he only gets to play in the morning and late in the afternoon when the sun moves around and give some shade to the backyard. He loves playing on his playground set and is forever asking to "let the dogs out"...and then he proceeds to squeeze in a quick 5-minute playtime before Mom & Dad get the wiser!

When Mike came home from his DC TDY for the Labor Day Weekend (he called it his 52-hour furlough), we put Ryan in his booster seat. We moved him to the other side of the van - where the "big boys" sit - to make room for the infant car seat where he used to sit. I wished we had got pictures from his first day in the seat...this is from his second day. He absolutely loved his booster seat! He already knows how to unbuckle himself (and we have to move quick to catch him coming out of the van). Our little man is growing up so fast!

Below are a few random pictures of Ryan - hanging out on the couch (probably watching Diego) and then playing in his new tent we got from IKEA on Saturday. What a store!! Who knew the Swedes made such good stuff?!?! We went there to get a new chair, for what will be Carter's room, and ended up getting a few more things than we planned. Good thing pay day had come and gone or we would have caused a lot of damage!!


Vicki said...

You're just like me, having to get the "first" of everything. The second time just doesn't do it as much.

IKEA, I wish there were one around here!

Mike, Heidi, Ryan, Carter, and Delaney said...

Well, there is one in Atlanta - take the kids to the aquarium (bribe part) and then go shopping!