12 October 2008

Fire Station Part II and Part I

First, I have to say that Mike is going to be very surprised that I figured out this blogging thing, and that I actually blogged. I guess with him out of town all of the time (he is currently in Las Vegas,) I might need to keep it up at times. So here it goes...Heidi's very first blog...

Ryan's preschool class went to the Fire Station today for Fire Safety month. The kids all seemed to have a good time until Firefighter John starting putting on all of the gear. The kids ran for cover to all of the mommies waiting. It is kind of menacing when you think about how they look in all of the gear. Thankfully, they are on our side when they are fighting a fire, or just helping in general.

You might think this is an actual firefighter, but it is not. After asking for a volunteer from the teachers and the mommies, Ryan's teacher, Mrs. Tonder, volunteered to get into the gear. I made sure to remind everyone that my belly would not fit at this time! She was a good sport, and I got a ton of pictures and a video to bribe, I mean, give to her.

You might be wondering why I went from Part II to Part I for the title. Well, here is the story of the morning...

Ryan and I got up at 5:30am, as usual. I got him dressed and then let the dogs go in the backyard. His school bus arrived around 6:30. When we walked out of the front door, a very strong odor of garlic slapped me in the face. I went back into the house to let the dogs back in. Dusty was wet and was shaking his head. I wondered what he got into, so I went into the backyard with a flashlight to investigate. I did not see anything. I brought Dusty upstairs and gave him a bath. he was acting strange, so then I started getting worried that he got into a gas leak. I put him back downstairs and I looked online for what a garlic smell might be. It did say potential gas leak, so then my head started spinning. I thought, "Who can I call this early?" Of course as I stated earlier, Mike is TDY. I called a neighbor and his phone went to voicemail. That is when I wanted to panic. I decided that if my house was going to blow up from a gas leak, I might need the fire department...and this is why there are 2 parts to the story. I called 911 and asked for the Fire Department. They sent a truck over to investigate. They got out of the truck and came over to me in the driveway. I told them I think I have a gas leak. They paused and one of them looked at me and informed me- that is not a leak- it is a skunk. A SKUNK??? Why did he have yellow on his fur? Oh, he got a direct hit! Where does the garlic smell come in? Well, with pregnancy and congestion, I guess that is how it smelled to me, and me alone. They were kind enough to go inside and open a window and put Dusty back in the back yard for me. Poor Dusty had to sleep in the backyard until the mobile pet washers (yes, they exist in some cities) came and bathed him (again) for me. He is now sulking. I know he thinks he must have been in big trouble to sleep outside all night long!

So, after all of the excitement died down, I asked one of the firefighters if they were from the Evans Road Fire Department. Why, yes, they were. Oh, I told him that my son's preschool would be there in the afternoon... He told me their shift ended at 9:00am. Thank God for small miracles and no more embarrassment.

Thank you San Antonio Fire Department for keeping our community safe from fires...and SKUNKS!


Anonymous said...

I dont know if I would have told the skunk story on myself. I guess we can laugh it off since you have such a good excuse. Good job on the blogging!
Miss You

Vicki said...

Hahahahahaha! I'm laughing only because I think I would have done the same thing. And the fact that you were going to the fire station later on that day just makes it funnier :)

Glad you're getting in on the bloggin as well!

Anonymous said...

Heidi, you should do some more blogging :-) it was just funny to read, and I really like your style!!!

Greatings from Merida, Mexico!