30 September 2009

Woody's New Best Friend in Toy Story 3 is...Ryan!!

Mike bought Woody for Ryan before he left. It is the one toy Ryan does not have to share with Carter. It is his special toy. He goes to school with us every day and sleeps with Ryan every night. This kid loves Woody!
I think they are both comfortable.
Ryan at 3 am. He had an infomercial blasting on the TV.

We are off to Florida for a quick trip. Woody is ready!

One morning before church.

Don't panic! Woody is safe in the van!

Love from Iraq

We get to talk to Mike eveyday thanks to the Air Force and Skype. It is really neat to see Ryan talking to him and Carter saying "da da." Technology has improved a bit in the last 5 years since Mike was deployed.

I still have no idea what job Mike is doing right now. It is weird not talking to him about work. Anyway, he has shared a few photos with us. I hope you enjoy them!

Firing a British Sterling Maching Gun from WWII.
The view from his office. I guess they hit golf balls out there for fun.

The door going into his office with an AK-47 on the wall. That is Iraq normal...
The stairs in the office building, I think.The door going into the office.
The building he works in.His hooch, or CHU in Air Force terms.
And his bed.

23 September 2009

Pictures While Daddy is Away

I have tried to send Mike photos every day. I think there are 2 days so far I was unable to do so. Here are a few I have sent...enjoy!

Come home soon, daddy!

Vacationing in the Deserts of Iraq

I think you all may know- Mike is deployed to Iraq. He left in August and will return in March. It has been 4 years since his last deployment. So, it was his time. I guess since he was gone while Ryan was a baby, Carter got the same treatment...

It is hard to explain to a 5 year old why daddy will be gone for so long. Ryan also has no concept of what 6 months means. Mike did a great job explaining it to him. He bought a map and drew a line from our town to Baghdad. Every week, we put a heart on the line. Eventually, we will be out of hearts and the biggest heart will return home. God speed, Mike!

Lt Col Mike Grunwald!

Well, Mike is now a Lt Col! His ceremony was July 31, 2009. His mom, dad, sister, and niece were all here for the ceremony. We are so proud!

It's Been a Long Time!

I know, I know...it has been a long time since we last blogged. I looked at the site today and saw that it was April. Basically, Mike gave up and I forgot. Well, I will catch up. I promise.

28 April 2009

Get off of the ride, mommy!

Canyon Ridge Carnival 2009

Ryan's "old" school was throwing a carnival, and everyone was invited. We went because Ryan still talks about Canyon Ridge all of the time, even though he now goes to Treehouse Day School. Mike stayed home with Carter. They missed all of the fun.

They had everything a kid could want: Rides, sugar, face painting, sugar, a gigantic inflatable slide, sugar... There were a lot of kids (I think all of Stone Oak was there), but he did great with all of the excitement.

Our first "ride" was the rock climbing wall. I think to myself- he climbs the rock wall at school all of the time. I know it is shorter and does not require a harness, but it's got to be the same. It isn't. He was a trooper and tried, but he did not get very far. I am proud of him for trying!
Our next stop was this twirly, spinning ride that was sure to make me sick, er, be fun. But, Ryan wanted to ride it. So, as the temperature was falling (and all of our children were in shorts) we stood in line for longer than I care to. We finally made it to the front. Ryan wants to go inside. Oh, no he isn't going to back out! He is riding this ride after I stood in this long line! We get on the ride. I snap a couple of pictures. Ryan looks at me with his sweet face and says, "Get off of the ride, mommy." What did he say? So, I pull myself off of this little ride and secretly say thanks so I will not have to embarrass myself by throwing up after it is over. Ryan sits there and allows complete strangers to ride with him. He was all smiles the whole time!


26 April 2009


Here we are again-Mike is in Germany and then Virginia, so I am taking care of the blog...
Even after threatening that he would not come, a certain bunny stopped by and left baskets for two amazing boys!

We have never dyed Easter eggs. It was a hit! Ryan really enjoyed it this year. We talked about it for days before the big event!

The boys on Easter.

We have always gone to a big Easter egg hunt, but I it was too busy leading up to Easter. We had the big hunt in the back yard. This way, Ryan did not have to compete for eggs. That is always a good thing!

Opening the eggs...candy, coins, frogs, and lizards.

We hope you all had a blessed Easter!

16 April 2009

Ryan Practicing his Handwriting

It is my turn to blog again. Mike is out of town so often, that I better get used to it. Carter is on a schedule, so I can plan to take care of the blogging when I need to. Here I go...
For the longest time, we could not get Ryan to color. He would not use crayons. Pens. Markers. Pencils. Nothing. We now realize he had a hard time using them. He gets extra help at school, so he is getting better. Now that he has started, there is no stopping him. You will notice that he is practicing a lot now!

Good job, Ryan. You have mastered the letter "t"!!!